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Humans of the Church

The Catholic Leader, April 22, 2018

AFTER circling a massive, crum-

bling public housing complex on

the outskirts of Rome, Pope Francis

had an emotional encounter with the

neighbourhood’s children.

Question-and-answer sessions with youngsters

are a standard part of Pope Francis’ parish visits.

And, at St Paul of the Cross parish on April

15, there were the usual questions like, “How did

you feel when you were elected pope?”

But then it was Emanuele’s turn.

The young boy smiled at the pope as he ap-

proached the microphone.

But then froze. “I can’t do it,” Emanuele said.

Monsignor Leonardo Sapienza, a papal aide,

encouraged the boy, but he kept saying, “I


“Come, come to me, Emanuele,” the Pope


“Come and whisper it in my ear.”

Msgr Sapienza helped the boy up to the plat-

form where the Pope was seated.

Emanuele was sobbing by that point, and Pope

Francis enveloped him in a big embrace, patting

his head and speaking softly to him.

With their heads touching, the Pope and the

boy spoke privately to each other before Ema-

nuele returned to his seat.

“If only we could all cry like Emanuele when

we have an ache in our hearts like he has,” the

Pope told the children.

“He was crying for his father and had the

courage to do it in front of us because in his

heart there is love for his father.”

Pope Francis said he had asked Emanuele if

he could share the boy’s question and the boy


Emanuele asked: “A little while ago my

father passed away. He was a non-believer, but

he had all four of his children baptised. He was a

good man. Is dad in heaven?’”

“How beautiful to hear a son say of his father,

‘He was good,’” the Pope told the children.

“And what a beautiful witness of a son who

inherited the strength of his father, who had the

courage to cry in front of all of us. If that man

was able to make his children like that, then it’s

true, he was a good man. He was a good man.

“That man did not have the gift of faith, he

wasn’t a believer, but he had his children bap-

tised. He had a good heart,” Pope Francis said.

“God is the one who says who goes to


The next step in answering Emanuele’s ques-

tion, he said, would be to think about what God

is like and, especially, what kind of heart God


“What do you think? A father’s heart. God

has a dad’s heart. And with a dad who was not a

believer, but who baptised his children and gave

them that bravura, do you think God would be

able to leave him far from himself?”

“Does God abandon his children?” the Pope


Crying boy asks Pope if his non-believing dad could be in paradise

‘Is my dad in heaven?’

“Does God abandon his children when they

are good?”

The children shouted, “No.”

“There, Emanuele, that is the answer,” the

Pope told the boy.

“God surely was proud of your father,

because it is easier as a believer to baptise your

children than to baptise them when you are not a

believer. Surely this pleased God very much.”

Pope Francis encouraged Emanuele to “talk to

your dad; pray to your dad.”

Earlier, a young girl named Carlotta also asked

the pope a delicate question: “When we are bap-

tised, we become children of God. People who

aren’t baptised, are they not children of God?”

“What does your heart tell you?” the Pope

asked Carlotta.

She said, they were too.

“Right, and I’ll explain,” the Pope told her.

“We are all children of God. Everyone. Eve-


The non-baptised, members of other religions,

those who worship idols, “even the mafiosi,”

who terrorise the neighbourhood around the par-

ish, are children of God, though “they prefer to

behave like children of the devil,” he said.

“God created everyone, loves everyone and

put in everyone’s heart a conscience so they

would recognise what is good and distinguish it

from what is bad,” the Pope said.

The difference, he said, is that “when you

were baptised, the Holy Spirit entered into that

conscience and reinforced your belonging to

God and, in that sense, you became more of a

daughter of God because you’re a child of God

like everyone, but with the strength of the Holy



True shepherd:

Pope Francis


Emanuele, a boy

whose father

died, as he visits

St. Paul of the

Cross Parish in

Rome on April



: Pope Francis greets the youngest parishioners, including Emanuele, of St Paul of the

Cross Parish in Rome.

Photos: CNS