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The Community Leader Awards


What do you do in your


I’m a member of several organisations in the commu-

nity. I’m involved with the

Knights of the Southern Cross in Queensland.

I’m involved with Southern

Cross Queensland, the aged-care provider, and I’m

also involved with the Cannon Hill Community

sports club and I’m on the finance committee of St

Oliver Plunkett parish council.

How did you get started?

I was invited to join the knights in 1969 by a friend

and I’ve been involved in the knights ever since.

Through my organisation with the knights I’ve

been involved with Duhig Village aged-care facility

which was the first aged-care facility the Knights of

the Southern Cross in Queensland built. I’ve been

involved with that since it started. I’m chair of the

board with

Southern Cross Care Queensland


I’ve been a board member for Southern Cross Care

Queensland for 25 years.

What do you love about your role?

I find with Southern Cross and aged care you’re

giving something back to the community. It’s not all

taking. We’ve got a vision and a mission; we value and

respect human life, that’s our statement, and we find

it’s fulfilling. It’s refreshing. You’ve got to give back to

the community. You just can’t take.

Why is your Catholic faith important

to you?

I think your faith is a way of life. And I find that it’s

not hard to be a Catholic and to stand up for the

beliefs of the Church. Obviously you have your own

beliefs but it’s a way of life and it’s another way of

helping your fellow man, if you’re a witness to these

things. You know, you might never ever find out that

you’ve affected somebody but you’ve got to live a

good life, that’s all.

What was your reaction when you

heard you were a finalist for The


I didn’t even know about it. When I found out about

it I didn’t even know such a thing existed. I’m quite

proud about it. I don’t expect any recognition for

what I do and it gives me a bit of a good feeling.



- Volunteer of the Year 2017

Don Neander:

We’ve got a

vision and a mission; we

value and respect human

life, that’s our statement, and

we find it’s fulfilling.