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P 10-11 US actor Mark Wahlberg begins the day on his hands and knees with God’s word in prayer askone news Brisbane teacher Patricia Crilly dedicates her first song to refugees who have fled their homelands P 5 God’s work is full of surprises for Paul and Christine Hodgkinson P 32

November 12, 2017. Issue 5477


By Mark Bowling

AMID public protests, vigils and picketing of politician’s

offices, the Catholic Church and United Nations are

spearheading criticism of the Australian Government over

its handling of asylum seekers on Manus Island.

The future of about 600 men left on Manus remains in limbo after their

refusal to leave the processing centre amid fears for their safety.

The PNG Supreme Court rejected a last-ditch applica-

tion to restore power, water, food, sanitation and medical

services to the centre.

“The situation on Manus Island is turning into a hu-

manitarian disaster and it is a direct result of our govern-

ments’ failed policy,” Bishop Delegate for Migrants and

Refugees, Parramatta Bishop Vincent Long said.

“As a nation that prides itself on its respect for the rule

of law and its globally responsible citizenship, we must

find a workable and principled solution.”

At the time of going to press, more than 600 refugees had

barricaded themselves in the mothballed detention centre,

which closed on October 31.

With food and drinking water running out, group members

claimed to be too scared to move to alternative accommoda-

tion in Manus Island’s provincial capital, Lorengua.

They feared they would be attacked by locals.

Basic services including water, electricity and medical

services were cut off after the detention centre closure.

“As a church, as a Christian country, what now will we do

for our brothers?” St Michael’s Church, Lorengau priest Fr

Alex Tanai said.

continued PAGE 5

Bishops urge action

over 600 asylum

seekers on island

Public stand:

Protesters at a Brisbane rally supporting the

asylum seekers on Manus Island.

The situation on Manus

Island is turning into a

humanitarian disaster.


