The Catholic Leader, November 12, 2017
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Latin revival draws interest from Catholics in country regions
Ancient Mass at Mt Perry
Fr Adrian Sharp celebrating a Latin Mass in St Patrick’s, Mt Perry.
By Mark Bowling
TRADITIONAL Latin Mass could
be set for a mini revival in rural
churches around Brisbane.
Dozens of worshippers braved heavy rain
and flooding to attend Mass in the extraordinary
form at St Patrick’s Church in the historic gold-
mining town of Mt Perry, west of Bundaberg,
last month.
There was high praise for the Latin
Mass from Oratory in Formation
moderator Fr Adrian Sharp, altar
servers and members of the
congregation, with organisers
already planning more Masses.
“I think the locals were very
happy to welcome us to their
special church, which they’re
very proud of,” Fr Sharp, who
drove five hours north from
Brisbane to celebrate, said. “Many
were asking if and when they could have
another Mass, and I certainly look forward to be-
ing able to do it again some time.”
Mass is celebrated once a month in the
Ordinary Form in St Patrick’s, built in 1904 and
heritage-listed, and it’s understood this was the
first time the Latin Mass has been celebrated there
since liturgical changes more than 50 years ago.
The Second Vatican Council ruled that the
Mass could be celebrated in local languages while
the priest faces the congregation.
The Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanc-
tum Concilium, promulgated by Pope Paul VI
on December 4, 1963, provided for use of the
vernacular at Mass.
“We were able to have a Missa cantata (sung
Mass with one priest), and the people joined in
the singing of the Ordinary Mass and the hymns,”
Fr Sharp said. “Many availed themselves
of the Sacrament of Penance before
and after Mass, and the Rosary was
recited before the Mass.”
After the Mass, most of the
congregation gathered for lunch
across the road in the town’s
Grand Hotel.
“They came from Gym-
pie, Maryborough, Bundaberg,
Hervey Bay, Hivesville, Biggen-
den and Mt Perry,” organiser Moira
Thompson (pictured above), from St
Peter’s Parish, Biggenden, said. “Local parishion-
ers did a great job preparing the church, cleaning
brass candlesticks, and moving the current altar.
“Fr Sharp gave an interesting homily on the
difference between the Latin Mass and the Novus
In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI formally allowed
the Latin Mass to be more accessible to congrega-
tions, and the International Una Voce Federation,
lay groups associated with the Latin Mass, says
member organisations are growing in all parts of
the world.
Church-goers who attend the Latin Mass say
the liturgical richness of the past and the serious-
ness of the service is what draws them.
One Brisbane parishioner dedicated to reviving
the traditional service is 26-year-old Thomas
Ryan (pictured at bottom). He first altar-served
the Latin Mass when he was six, and says he
loves it. Mr Ryan served during the Mt Perry
celebration, and said he didn’t mind waking up at
3.30am to drive across Brisbane archdiocese to
arrive in Mt Perry in time for 10am Mass.
“When I arrived, I found the altar set
up for the Mass, the cantor practising
and Fr Sharp holding confessions
– something very difficult to get
to if you live in regional areas,”
he said.
“I was excited to revisit a town
I only ever drove through, visit a
beautiful church I had never been
to and altar-serve a Mass there for
devoted families driving from all over
to attend.”
Mr Ryan, a member of the Brisbane Oratory
community, attributes his “love” for the Latin
Mass as the reason he returned to the Church after
years away, and he is keen to establish a group
that could revive the traditional Mass for others to
appreciate and enjoy, particularly in rural parishes
around Brisbane.
“Definitely. It would be popular enough to
attract people from four hours’ radius I would
estimate – a traditional Mass with confession,”
he said. “This would revive the Mass in regional
areas for sure.”
In Brisbane, Fr Sharp said about 200 parish-
ioners regularly attend Sunday Latin Mass in
Annerley, and about 180 in Wilston.
Brisbane Oratory in Formation also provides
Latin Mass in Townsville several times
a year, and Fr Sharp said the Ora-
tory priests would be happy to do
the same elsewhere, time and
resources permitting.
“More Latin Masses will
certainly allow more people to
experience it, and perhaps choose
it regularly,” he said.
“For me it’s not so much the
numbers but rather the fact that it’s
part of the Church’s patrimony and
part of the diversity of the Church’s life.
“My hope is that those who want to access it
can do so without too much trouble. The Bris-
bane Oratory can do a bit, but our own parish is
our first priority.
“Ideally there’d be more priests here and there
who can say the old Mass.
“It’s something that seminarians should be
offered during their training (to learn familiarity
with the old Mass) so that they can provide it at
least occasionally for their parishioners should
the faithful desire it.”
I was excited to revisit a town I only ever
drove through, visit a beautiful church I
had never been to and altar-serve a Mass there
for devoted families driving from all
over to attend.
Latin revival:
Members of the congregation bow their heads in
prayer at the Latin Mass in Mt Perry’s heritage-listed St Patrick’s
Communion time:
(Left) Worshippers receive Holy Communion.