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July 2, 2017. Issue 5458





could you

eat like a


Brisbane Catholics take on challenge

to help feed people struggling in camps

By Emilie Ng

INDONESIAN migrant Mira Tedjo was

never forced to flee her country and become

a refugee, but she does know what it’s like

to eat like one.

During Refugee Week from June 18 to 24, Ms Tedjo

and many other Catholics across the country took up the

Ration Challenge by Act for Peace, an international aid

agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia.

The challenge invites people to eat like a Syr-

ian refugee living in a camp in Jordan while

raising money to help send extra food to

camps around the world.

As a participant in the challenge,

Ms Tedjo, who came to Aus-

tralia by choice as a teenager

14 years ago, received a

1.5kg box of rations to last

for one week.

The box included lentils,

rice, chickpeas, kidney

beans, sardines and vegeta-

ble oil – all of which are

the food typically served to

refugees in Jordan.


Mira Tedjo joined the

Act for Peace Ration Challenge

to raise money for people living

in refugee camps by eating like a

Syrian refugee for one week.

Photo: Emilie Ng

Recipes from the refugees were also given to participants as

part of the challenge.

Wanting to “do it tough” for the refugees, Ms Tedjo also

sacrificed eating items participants could earn through specific

milestones or bought separately, like spices, coffee and flour,

because they are considered luxury foods in refugee camps.

There were withdrawal headaches and fatigue on the first

day, and within days she could feel her immune system weak-


“Doing this Ration Challenge actually brought down my

immune system,” Ms Tedjo said.

It was an experience that has brought the Catholic parish-

ioner from Annerley in union with millions of refugees around

the world.

“I didn’t realise until I cooked the whole meal for the whole

week how little they really are served after I portioned it,” Ms

Tedjo said.

“I thought if the refugees are really going to eat that little

I will sacrifice myself and raise some funds for them, and I

won’t quit because we live a good life and we can eat whatever

we want here.

“I can’t imagine, how can they (the refugees) eat so little,

being an adult, eating one takeaway container – and it’s not

even full – for the day?”

At times when she wanted to quit, Ms Tedjo took inspira-

tion from the sacrifices made by one of the Church’s greatest

friends to the poor, St Teresa of Kolkata.

“I just think Mother Teresa is a great role model for doing

this. I mean, she would be doing the same thing,” she said.

After three days, Ms Tedjo raised $570 for Act for Peace,

raising more than $300 in just one day.

While she is now back to eating a regular diet, she knows

there are millions of Syrian refugees living in freezing condi-

tions who aren’t so fortunate.