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Humans of the Church

The Catholic Leader, July 2, 2017

‘My prayer for Australia would be justice for all –

equality for everybody’

Called to justice

By Peter Bugden

DAVID Miller is an Aboriginal man

who wasn’t raised in his people’s

traditional ways and he wonders how

different his life may have been.

He’s a man well-known to many Brisbane

Catholics as the one who breaks the silence

playing the clap sticks at the start of Masses and

liturgies for major celebrations in St Stephen’s


It’s a ritual he performs leading into the indig-

enous Acknowledgement of Country before Mass


David would normally be at the cathedral to-

day (July 2) for the National Aboriginal and Tor-

res Strait Islander Mass at the start of NAIDOC

Week but he is in Cairns for the 2017 NAIDOC

Awards Ceremony and Ball.

He was attending the ball last night (July 1)

with family and friends.

A proud descendant of the Gangulu peoples of

Central Queensland, David is passionate about

justice and equality for all.

He knows well how his ancestors were denied

those rights, and he continues to work for the

good of indigenous peoples today.

For 24 years, he has been a member of Murri

Ministry, a not-for-profit Catholic group support-

ing indigenous people around south-east Queens-

land under the umbrella of Centacare Brisbane.

David’s family, like so many other indigenous

families, has known the trauma of being torn


“All my ancestors come from (Central

Queensland), from a little town called Banana

(south-west of Rockhampton),” he said.

“My family was split up under the Aboriginal

Protection Act of 1897.

“The full-blood Aboriginal people were taken

to Taroom, then on to Woorabinda, then on to

Barambah, which is now named Cherbourg, near

Kingaroy and six kilometres from Murgon.

“There were forty different tribes put into

Cherbourg from all over Queensland.

“They weren’t allowed to speak their lan-

guage. That’s why, unfortunately, a lot of the

different languages are lost now.”

David said Aboriginal people there “were

thrown in jail” for speaking their own language.

“My grandmother and an aunty are full-

bloods, so obviously they were sent to Cher-

bourg,” he said. “My two uncles, my mother and

my aunty were fair-skinned. Their fathers were

station owners.

“My mother was sent out as a domestic – or

slave – at eight years old.

“From then she was working on stations all

her life, and I think she was twenty-two years

old when she got her exemption papers (exemp-

tion from the Act).

“If you were given that, you weren’t able to

speak to Aboriginal people.

“It was to make you white, and the Govern-

ment in those days, thought they were going to

‘whiten’ us out.”

David’s mother Emily Miller was a domestic

worker on stations around Rockhampton, and

she made sure he and his older brother had a

good education, but they weren’t raised in tradi-

tional Aboriginal ways.

He has pondered what that has meant for him.

“If you’re looking back to see where we were

going to be, it was a genocide virtually – that’s

what it was – how we were going to be ‘whit-

ened’ out,” he said. “But, apart from all that and

those atrocities that happened, I have benefitted,

I think, from that education.

“But, at the same time, the people from

Cherbourg or settlements, a lot of those young

people, too, because their parents or the elders

were very, very strong in education, you’ll find

just as many people come out of Cherbourg who

are absolutely brilliant, too.

“I think, with all that aside, I was very fortu-

nate that I wasn’t brought up under the Act like

my mother was, but, at the same time, she was a

very, very strong woman and education was the

name of her game (for us).

“It’s a hard question actually, to put myself …

I was lucky that I was brought up that way but

not in those circumstances.”

David’s followed his mother’s example by

encouraging his children Belinda and Damien in

education, and is pleased they’ve made the best

of their opportunities.

Belinda works for NITV and Screen Queens-

land in production and Damien’s a former foreign

ambassador working in Canberra for the Depart-

ment of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

David has also made sure they were proud of

their heritage and armed against racism.

“I’m fortunate – I don’t let people put me

down, and I brought my kids up the same way

– ‘Don’t let anybody think they’re better than

you’,” he said.

“And, also at the same time, ‘Don’t think

you’re better than anybody else’. It’s no good

saying one thing and doing another.”

Retired from work about eight years, David

gives much of his time walking the talk – not just

with Murri Ministry but with several other groups,

including Brisbane archdiocese’s Catholic Justice

and Peace Commission and the archdiocese’s

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) committee.

The RAP, approved by Archbishop Mark

Coleridge, identifies priorities and key goals

in building awareness of Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander culture, and strength-

ens relationships between Aboriginal

and non-indigenous people across the


It includes recognising indigenous

cultural protocols – “welcome to coun-

try” ceremonies performed by elders,

acknowledging traditional owners

of local parishes and communities,

naming the traditional land custo-

dians in commemorative plaques,

and ensuring indigenous flags

are flown in parish grounds and


David’s also been active on

his parish council.

And why does he do it?

“I like helping people, but

I feel within myself that I

have a calling to do justice-

related acts,” he said.

He doesn’t think we’ll

ever get rid of racism

“but we can only try our

best to stamp it out”.

He’s only experienced

racism “a couple

of times” himself,

although he said “once

I wasn’t invited to a

certain place, because I was Aboriginal …”

“It upset me a little … (but) I thought, ‘Well,

I’m better than that, anyway, so why let it worry


“I always walk with my head high.

“At the same time it affects you, but not

everybody can do that and you don’t realise

some of the damaging things that are caused

by bullying and racism.”

David said whatever happened in debates

about Constitutional recognition of indig-

enous peoples or treaties or other similar

issues it was important the decisions were

made by indigenous people and they were

not “dictated to”.

“That’s been going on too long,” he

said. “I don’t like inequality. That’s why I

do what I do.

“My prayer for Australia would be jus-

tice for all – equality for everybody.”

David Miller:

“I don’t like inequality.

That’s why I do what I do.”

Photo: Mark
