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The Catholic Leader, April 22, 2018


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A 71-YEAR-old Australian missionary sister has

been detained by authorities in the Philippines,

after taking part in a human rights fact-finding

mission in the country’s troubled south.

Sister Patricia Fox, mother superior of the Our

Lady of Sion congregation in the Philippines,

faced deportation, after she was taken from her

mission house in Quezon City and brought to the

immigration bureau in Manila for questioning on

April 16.

After working in the country for 27 years help-

ing impoverished farmers and indigenous peoples,

Sr Fox recently joined an international fact-finding

and solidarity mission that investigated alleged

rights abuses against farmers in the southern Mind-

anao province.

“I’ve been in and out of the country several

times but I’ve never been questioned,” Sr Fox told

the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines.

“The immigration bureau has not said anything

on what to do with my missionary visa.”

Human rights advocates and church leaders in-

cluding Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo

raised the alarm over Sr Fox’s arrest.

He visited the nun after she was taken for ques-

tioning at the Bureau of Immigration, and said her

arrest may be part of a crackdown against govern-

ment’s critics.

“There’s no martial law yet but they are already

going after people who oppose them,” Bishop

Pabillo said.

In December last year, a retired priest and known

human rights advocate was killed in Jaen, Nueva

Ecija province.

Fr Marcelito Paez, 72, was gunned down by still

unidentified men after he facilitated the release of a

political prisoner.

The Sisters of Sion have a presence in Sydney

and Mildura and in eight Melbourne suburbs.

In 1990 two Australian Sisters founded Sion in

the Philippines.

The community has six members.

An international Congregation, the Sisters have a

presence in 22 countries.

– Mark Bowling


: Sister Patricia Fox.

Australian religious Sr Patricia Fox detained in the Philippines

SHARPLY criticising a failure to

find nonviolent means of bringing

peace to Syria and other parts of

the world, Pope Francis appealed to

world leaders to work for justice and


“I am deeply disturbed by the current world

situation, in which, despite the instruments avail-

able to international community, it struggles to

agree on joint action in favour of peace in Syria

and other regions of the world,” he said after

praying the Regina Coeli with people gathered in

St Peter’s Square on April 15.

“While I unceasingly pray for peace and invite

all people of good will to keep doing the same, I

appeal once again to all political leaders so that

justice and peace may prevail.”

The Pope’s appeal came after the United

States, France and the United Kingdom launched

missiles on Syria on April 13, targeting sites in-

tended to weaken the nation’s chemical weapons

capability. The missile strikes came one week

after an alleged chemical attack in the Ghouta

region, outside Damascus.

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow

telephoned Pope Francis after the missile attack,

he told reporters on April 15 at his house outside

of Moscow.

“We shared the common concern about the

situation in Syria, and we talked about how

Christians should influence this situation to stop

violence, war and so many tragic victims as we

have seen in these days,” he said.

The patriarchate launched an initiative to unite

Christian leaders from the East and West to

promote peace and prevent a humanitarian crisis

in Syria, Father Aleksandr Volkov, spokesman

for the Russian patriarchate, said.

Christians “cannot be silent when things like

those of these days are taking place in Syria,”

Patriarch Kirill said.

The Syrian Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs

of Syria also publicly condemned the “brutal

aggression” of the US-led allied missile attack

and called upon all churches in the countries that

participated to likewise condemn the attack and

urge their governments to work toward interna-

tional peace.

In a statement issued from the Syrian capital

of Damascus – the patriarchal seats of their

respective churches – the patriarchs said they

“condemn and denounce the brutal aggression

that took place this morning against our precious

country Syria by the USA, France and the UK,

under the allegations that the Syrian government

has used chemical weapons.”

The statement was signed by Melkite Catholic

Patriarch Joseph Absi; Syriac Orthodox Patri-

arch Ignatius Aphrem II and Greek Orthodox

Patriarch John.

The brother of Patriarch John X – Greek

Orthodox Metropolitan Boulos Yazii – is one of

two bishops who were kidnapped near the Syrian

city of Aleppo April 22, 2013, and whose fate is

still unknown.


Pope, Christian leaders condemn use of violence against Syria

Appeal for lasting peace

Plea for peace:

Internally displaced Syrians at a camp outside Damascus. The United States, France and Britain launched airstrikes in Syria to punish President Bashar Assad for an apparent chemi-

cal attack against civilians and to deter him from doing it again.

Photo: CNS