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The Catholic Leader, April 22, 2018

Anzac Day


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Make your home in me...

John 15:4



Mark Coleridge

Archdiocese of Brisbane

Host – Proclaim 2018

12-14 July 2018

St Laurence’s College, South Brisbane

Early Bird & Group booking discounts

available until 22 April

A new and engaging process

focused on parish renewal and transformation


Phone: Evangelisation Brisbane (07) 3324 3440

By Emilie Ng

NOEL Synnott almost lived his

entire life without knowing his dad’s

fingerprints are on the infamous

Amiens Gun captured by Australian

soldiers in 1918.

The 79-year-old Dutton Park parishioner only

found out nine years ago that his father and

uncle were heroes in the First World War.

Mr Synnott said nine years ago a schoolmate

found the military records for his uncle Lieuten-

ant Bartle Patrick Synnott and his father Corpo-

ral James Hardy Synnott.

Their part in the horrible war, which nearly

wiped out an entire generation of young Austral-

ian men 100 years ago, was never talked about

at home.

A former student of St Joseph’s College,

Gregory Terrace, Mr Synnott also found out at the

school’s “Vintage Terraciens” morning teas that

his uncle was a member of the 1906 Terrace First

Fifteen and another uncle a dux of the college.

“It was all a surprise to me, really,” Mr Syn-

nott said.

“I’ve had these war records, eight or nine

years, and I can’t remember where they came

from except I think an old classmate of mine was

at the war memorial and just as a matter of inter-

est he got these for me.

“Perhaps the older members, my aunts,

thought I knew these things, but I didn’t really.”

Corporal Synnott enlisted in the war on May

20, 1916, and a year later fought in and survived

some of the worst battles on the Western Front

in Bapaume, Polygon Wood, Passchendaele,

Bullecourt, Ypres, Ancre, Amiens, Albert and

Mont St Quentin.

“See all the battles my father was in,” Mr Syn-

nott said, looking at his father’s military record.

“I never knew it.”

Amazingly, Corporal Synnott was a member

of the platoon that captured the infamous Ami-

Brisbane man uncovering ‘surprising’ war stories of dad and uncle

Honouring brave Anzacs

Family memories:

Noel Synnott holds a photo of his uncle, Corporal Bartle Patrick Synnott, who was killed in action in Lagnicourt on May 24, 1917. He only learnt of his uncle’s service in the war nine

years ago.

Photo: Emilie Ng.

ens Gun, a German 28-centimetre railway gun,

the barrel of which stands out the front of the

Australian War Memorial.

“My brother used to say that (their father

captured the railway gun) but I thought he meant

Dad’s battalion, but it was Dad,” Mr Synnott said.

“It was his platoon, the platoon is about

twenty men, so Dad was in the thick of it.”

Corporal Synnott died in 1944, when Mr Syn-

nott was just five years old.

“He was gassed (in the war) and that short-

ened his life to some extent,” Mr Synnott said.

His memories of his father are vague but he

remembers that his parents “were strong church-


Lieutenant Synnott did not live to see his older

brother’s achievements on the Western Front,

having been killed in battle in Lagnicourt on

May 24, 1917, the feast of Our Lady of Help of


Five years after his uncle’s death, that Marian

feast day inspired the name for the Bowen Hills

war memorial church, Our Lady of Victories,

where a plaque in honour of Lieutenant Synnott

The parish will hold a

memorial Mass for the 2000

Queensland soldiers and

reinstate the historic honour

roll before a side altar in the

church at 8am on April 22.

Bowen Hills


memorial Mass

The parish will hold

a memorial Mass for

the 2000 Queensland

soldiers and reinstate

the historic honour roll

before a side altar in Our

Lady of Victories Catho-

lic Church.

Tragic history:

Our Lady of

Victories Church parish

priest Fr Andrzej Kolacz-

kowski with the historic

roll of honour that bears

the names of nearly 2000

Queensland Catholics who

died fighting for Australia be-

tween 1914 and 1918.


Our Lady of

Victories Catholic Church,

Bowen Hills


8am, Sunday

April 22.

– with his name misspelt – was bolted above the

old baptistery.

Mr Synnott, who worked for 40 years as a

canon lawyer for the Brisbane archdiocese,

received a phone call from the parish last month

notifying him of the plaque.

It was the first time he had heard about it.

He stood beneath the plaque last week, laugh-

ing at the misspelling of his surname.

“Which makes me think that maybe that was

donated by someone else because I would have

thought Grandma and Granddad would have got

the spelling right,” Mr Synnott said.

He also recently found photos of his uncle,

one of his tombstone and two of him in military

uniform “rustling around in the house” where he

has lived for the past 40 years.

One military photo is signed in gold pen,

“Your old cobber. Bart Synnott”.

This weekend the parish will hold a memo-

rial Mass to honour the nearly 2000 Catholic

soldiers, sailors and nurses who died in the war,

and whose names are listed in an honour roll

now reinstated in the church.

Mr Synnott, born 23 years after his uncle died

in France, was among the descendants who would

kneel down to pray for the family members whose

lives were forever changed by the war.

“It’s very thoughtful of people in the parish to

be thinking of people, perfect strangers basically,

who died 100 years ago,” Mr Synnott said.

It’s now up to Mr Synnott to spread word of

his uncle and father’s heroic role in the First

World War to the next generation.

It’s very

thoughtful of

people in the

parish to be

thinking of people,

perfect strangers

basically, who

died 100 years
