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The Community Leader Awards




A shared commitment to community

COMMITMENT to community and serving those most in

need are the core values of one of Australia’s leading Catholic

aged-care providers.

St Vincent’s Care Services delivers exceptional care and support

through its residential aged care, in-home community living and

independent-living services in south-east Queensland, New South

Wales and Victoria.

As part of St Vincent’s Health Australia – the nation’s largest Cath-

olic health and aged-care provider – St Vincent’s Care Services is

especially committed to those in the community who are poor or

vulnerable, in line with their mission of bringing God’s love to those

in need through the healing ministry of Jesus.

In order to deliver on this mission, St Vincent’s Care Services has

launched a number of initiatives to provide support to vulnerable

members of the community.

Local charity initiatives

The spirit of charity and compassion is evident at all St Vincent’s

Care Services facilities, with staff, residents, volunteers and families

regularly banding together to support a range of charitable groups

and projects.

At St Vincent’s Care Services Kangaroo Point, a small but dedicated

group of residents have formed a fundraising committee, and regu-

larly hold events and campaigns to raise money for charities selected

by the committee.

The community at St Vincent’s Care Services Mitchelton has spent

this year donating goods to 100 Women MAD (Making a Differ-


The group collects and distributes packs of personal care items to

homeless women and girls in Brisbane. A number of residents have

also donated hand-woven scarves made during their leisure activi-


Clergy health

As a Catholic organisation, St Vincent’s Care Services recognises

the commitment and drive of members of the Catholic clergy and

men and women religious who wish to continue to serve following

their retirement.

St Vincent’s Care Services provides aged-care facilities and services

to support the health and lifestyle requirements of those who have

dedicated their life to the Catholic faith.

Social justice through health

The St Vincent’s Health Australia Social Justice Through Health

Strategy aims to raise community and stakeholder awareness and

support to address health inequities in our society.

The population groups supported through this strategy are Ab-

original and Torres Strait Islander people, people who experience

chronic homelessness, and asylum seekers in the community.

The strategy seeks to bring about long-term change for those who

experience complex health and social vulnerabilities, through im-

proving access to health services, assisting with and contributing to

research projects, advocating for change in health and social policy,

and building capabilities in targeted social groups to assist them in

improving their own health and wellbeing.

Eltham refugee housing project

In 2016, St Vincent’s Care Services partnered with CatholicCare

to help settle humanitarian entrants fleeing conflicts in Syria and

Iraq. St Vincent’s Health Australia committed funds to refurbish 60

unused units on the site of St Vincent’s Care Services, Eltham, in

Melbourne, and provided them as medium-term rental accommo-

dation to newly arrived refugees.

This project has enabled newly arrived refugees to establish a rent-

al history while they are supported to access schools, training, em-

ployment and ongoing accommodation in the private rental market.

In October 2018, the units will transition to affordable housing for

financially disadvantaged elderly members of the local community,

in particular women who are at risk of homelessness.

St Vincent’s is committed to supporting and improving the lives

of those in need and recognises the importance in acknowledging

those who contribute to and serve the wider Australian community.

St Vincent’s Care Services is delighted to be a proud sponsor of

The Community Leader Awards 2017, and congratulates the Cath-

olic individuals, schools, organisations and religious orders that are

being recognised for their ongoing commitment to making a differ-

ence to their community.


St Vincent’s is committed to supporting and improving the lives of

those in need and recognises the importance in acknowledging those who

contribute to and serve the wider Australian community.