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The Catholic Leader, July 2, 2017


gathers for first Mass in its renovated church for 30 months


These changes coincided with the development of a retirement

and aged-care complex, St Luke’s Green, which is now part of the

Buranda parish community and will officially open in September.

Parish administrator Monsignor Peter Meneely said the new

village – which includes a 60-bed retirement village and 60 beds

in high care – suited the parish’s missionary needs in the new mil-


“We started by looking at a vision of a development of the site

to respond to the missionary needs of the parish at this time in its

history,” Msgr Meneely said.

“That new mission is in aged care.”

Msgr Meneely said the parish came into negotiations with re-

tirement and aged-care property company Greengate for a 99-year

lease agreement of the church land.

The agreement includes protection of the existing church,

convent and presbytery, and the development of St Luke’s care


“Part of the vision was those that lived in the area would have

an option to stay in the area when they go into retirement,” Msgr

Meneely said.

“It’s also eighty years since the church was open so major reno-

vations were needed.

“We’re also seeing a significant densification in the area, with

lots of units being built, and we’re seeing more younger families

and retirees coming in.”

Msgr Meneely will act as chaplain to the St Luke’s Green com-

munity in providing spiritual care to Catholics in the area.

This would also include a proposal to have live-streaming of all

the St Luke’s Masses on televisions, laptops and computers owned

by residents of the village.

Msgr Meneely also encouraged lay Catholics in the area to grow

the parish’s spiritual dimension through prayer groups and other


“The church will be opened every day and will be there for any-

one to pray in, meditate in, pray the Rosary in, and so on,” he said.

“My hope would be, certainly, for a good integration between

the retired and aged care and the parish’s life.”

New beginning:

Monsignor Peter Meneely, carrying the Blessed Sacrament, and Fr Fadi Salame, from St Maroun’s Church,

Greenslopes, joining Buranda parishioners in procession into the renovated St Luke’s Church.

BURANDA’S Catholic community has re-

membered the parish’s longest-living and old-

est parishioner Vera Acres, who died two days

before her home parish reopened to the public.

Born on November 26, 1916, Mrs Acres

lived to be 100 years and nearly seven months


She died on June 16 this year, just two days

before the St Luke’s Church, Buranda, reo-

pened for Sunday Mass.

Mrs Acres shared her life story in The

Catholic Leader one month after her 100th

birthday, saying her faith in God was what kept

her alive.

“Everybody asks me what the secret is, but

there’s no secret,” she said.

“All you’ve got to do is just live day to day

and just, I don’t know, just believe in God I


“That’s probably why I’m still alive.”

The long-time St Luke’s parishioner spent

65 years of her life in the parish at St Luke’s,

which celebrates 80 years since its opening and

blessing this year.

She even had her 100th birthday celebra-

tions at the church, attending a special birthday

Mass on November 27 at St Luke’s celebrated

by parish administrator Monsignor Peter


Msgr Meneely presided at her funeral on

June 26, the first one in the newly reopened


He said Mrs Acres was the oldest parish-

ioner in the St Luke’s community.

“Vera is the church’s oldest parishioner, so

it’s most appropriate that she be the first to

have her funeral in the newly restored church,”

Msgr Meneely said.

Mrs Acres leaves behind three children, sev-

en grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

– Emilie Ng

St Luke’s farewells oldest

parishioner Vera Acres





ioner of

St Luke’s





who died

on June

16, with


nor Peter


at the



ing event

on March

8, 2015.

St Luke’s

was Mrs


home par-

ish for 65


Special day:

Monsignor Peter Meneely and Fr Fadi Salame celebrating the first Mass in the reno-

vated St Luke’s Church, Buranda, for 30 months.


Zoe Lomax and Sarah Martelli are among those admiring the refurbishment of St

Luke’s Church.