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The Catholic Leader, July 2, 2017



Do you have an attitude of gratitude?

Gold in the dawning sun

By Terry Lees

Terry Lees

is a member

of the Mount Isa Catholic


by Terry Lees

ST Paul in the First letter to the

Thessalonians urges us to “in every-

thing give thanks”.

A daily habit that I have developed is to give

thanks to God for all the gifts, grace and bless-

ings so abundantly poured down upon my loved

ones and me.

Every day I count what counts – my blessings.

I have a real sense of how blessed my life is

and an attitude of gratitude is far more prevalent

in me than I can recall from the past.

Living in the now has very real benefits. It is

a joy.

Some people limit their own abilities by con-

sistently thinking negatively.

Life brings setbacks to every person.

Setbacks are a part of life.

If you adopt the attitude that they are only

challenges, you’re more likely to find solutions


The key is to transform pain into gain and hurt

into healing. Life is not negative. 

It is wonderful. 

It is full of joy and laughter. We have a divine

fire within us.

We reach for the stars. We dream of the


We have God’s breath in our lungs and God’s

love in our hearts.

To have an attitude of gratitude means to

express thankfulness and appreciation in all areas

of your life, for the big as well as the small.

Master motivator Zig Ziglar was fond of say-

ing: “Of all the ‘attitudes’ we can acquire, surely

the attitude of gratitude is the most important and

by far the most life-changing.”

Author Dan Mager claims that “Gratitude

changes perspective – it can sweep away most

of the petty, day-to-day annoyances on which we

focus so much of our attention – the ‘small stuff’

situations that bring up feelings of impatience,

intolerance, negative judgment, indignation,

anger, or resentment”.

Each day we live is a gift – our loved ones are

gifts from God – the talents, skills and opportu-

nities we are given in life are gifts.

The rising sun, the setting sun, the stars and

moon at night, the birds that sing, the dogs and

cats at play, butterflies, the beauty of flowers, the

green grass, the food we eat – everything is gift

if we just look for it.

It is possible to find something to be grateful

for in every situation.

“Count your garden by the flowers

Never by the leaves that fall;

Count your days by golden hours,

Don’t remember clouds at all.

Count your nights by stars, not shadows,

Count your life by smiles, not tears,

And with joy on every birthday

Count your age by friends, not years.” (Author


There is the story of the father who, in trying

to keep his son occupied, cut up a picture of the

world into jigsaw pieces.

He figured it would keep his son busy for

some time and was therefore surprised when,

shortly afterwards, his son brought him the puz-

zle, completed.

“How did you get this puzzle back together so

soon?” the father asked.

His son replied, “Well, Dad, there was a

picture of a man on the other side, so I just put

the man right, and that made the world come out


Living life with an attitude of gratitude is

another way to “put the man (or woman) right”.

Gratitude is the most powerful meditation of

a lifetime.

Gratitude does come so easily if we allow it.

As you focus on gratitude, you will quickly

find your way home to God.

For as we give gratitude we are in turn blessed

for giving it.

It is a gift for both the giver and the receiver.

When we give gratitude, the value of our life

increases and joy fills our beings.

St Paul teaches us to pray always and in all

circumstances of your life with gratitude in my


Yes, we have so much to be thankful for every


Yet, do we remember to pause during the day

to say “Thank You, Lord”?

Be grateful for the gift of life and take time to

meditate on the unfailing love of God.

Try it today – it only takes a few moments –

then make it a daily habit.

“In everything give thanks.”

Gracious God, day by day, you enlighten and

enrich our lives by your grace and mercy.

As we embrace your gifts with gratitude, may

your grace and mercy flow through us to shine

your love on all we meet.

Have a golden day and treasure life.


“I have a very real sense of how blessed my life is and an attitude of gratitude is far more prevalent in me than I can recall from the past.”