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The Catholic Leader, April 22, 2018


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By SR melissa dwyer

Being a witness for the Lord

“Each one of us is called to become a

witness of the Lord, here and now.”

(Pope Francis, World Day of Prayer for

Vocations, April 22, 2018)

THIS Sunday, the Church com-

memorates the World Day of Prayer

for Vocations.

It’s a day when around the world we are

invited to fulfil the Lord’s instruction to “pray to

the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his

harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

Conscious that our first vocation is our bap-

tismal call, each one of us is called to radical

missionary discipleship.

Pope Francis reminds each one of us, “The

Lord, the Church, the world are waiting for

your answer to the unique call that each one

receives in this life. Do you accept the chal-


Each one of us, no matter our age, has been

given a mission in the Church and in the world.

This mission, to be witnesses of our personal

relationship with the Lord, necessitates that we

courageously step out into the deep, push away

from the shore, allowing Jesus to take us by the

hand and lead us to places where sometimes we

would rather not go.

Often it’s not easy to hear the voice of God.

In the midst of a world where everything is

loud and instant satisfaction remains a priority,

spending time in silence and waiting for God’s

time becomes increasingly difficult.

Yet this is the challenge for each one of us –

each day, to rely on the Lord and to wait patiently

for His promptings.

Too often we run the risk of waiting to be

perfect before embarking on the radical journey

of following Christ in whatever vocation we are

called to.

However, in order to be a disciple of Christ,

there is no expectation of perfection.

Just ask some of his own followers from scrip-

ture – Peter, Mary Magdalene, Zacchaeus and

Paul, to name a few.

Jesus reminds us time and time again that

he calls us in the midst of our brokenness and

sinfulness to rise up and follow him.

Yes, God calls each one of us, wherever we

are and at whatever age, to live out our faith

and be witnesses.

He doesn’t ask for perfection, but rather that

we do the very best we can – that we strive to

live our faith in credibility and authenticity,

conscious that at times we will make mistakes

and fall.

But what matters most is not the falling down,

but the courage to get up and keep going.

What’s encouraging about living out our

vocation, is that nothing is wasted.

If we look at our lives in the light of learning

from every experience, we are consoled by the

certainty that God’s grace comes with us, giv-

ing us the strength to live the challenges of the

present moment and the courage to step into an

unknown future of embracing the vocation God

reveals to us.

Confident that God will lead us where we

need to be, discovering God’s call might take

longer than we hoped.

Surely it will lead us on a journey through

valleys and over mountain tops, but God will

never abandon us in our striving to seek His

will and serve Him with our lives.

God has a dream for each one of us. God

calls men and women of our time to follow


He stands at the door of our hearts and

knocks, inviting each one of us to live our

personal mission of witnessing to His love with

our lives.

It’s up to us to play our part in the story that

God wants to write with us.

Sr Melissa Dwyer

is a religious sister

of the

Canossian Daughters of Charity





“Surely it will

lead us on

a journey

through val-

leys and over


tops, but God

will never

abandon us in

our striving to

seek His will

and serve Him

with our lives.”

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