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The Catholic Leader, July 2, 2017

Regional - Northern NSW

Counting down to centenary

A SPECIAL liturgy in an old school

building, which has been moved

for a new life as a chapel, will be a

highlight of centenary celebrations

for St Joseph’s Primary School,

Tweed Heads.

The liturgy will be held on September 15 in

the original school building which is now St

Joseph’s Chapel at the Tweed Valley Cemetery.

Assistant principal Christine Mulherin said the

whole community was looking forward to the


A spokesperson said achieving 100 years was

a remarkable achievement and a testament to

the Ursuline Sisters who founded the school, the

Presentation Sisters who took over in 1952 and

to the many lay teachers who continued their

tradition of Catholic education today.

Staff and children will dress in period costume

and participate in an old-fashioned games day

and share a picnic lunch as part of the celebra-


Tweed Shire Council is supporting the event.

The school will host an open day from midday

on September 16 when the classrooms will have

presentations on designated decades.

“We are very excited that at exactly 3pm the

re-dedication service will take place which coin-

cides with the time of the original blessing 100

years ago,” Mrs Mulherin said.  

The festivities will conclude with a dinner-

dance at South Tweed Sports Club for staff and

pupils, past and present, and other members of

the community.

“The whole school community is looking

forward to this great event as we share and cel-

ebrate our past memories and look forward to the

future as we continue our Catholic journey in the

Tweed parish,” Mrs Mulherin said.

History lesson:

Year 6 students looking forward to centenary celebrations at St Joseph’s Primary School, Tweed Heads.

Shakespeare act wins more than applause

Tweed Heads


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ST Paul’s College, Kempsey, won a state

competition in Shakespearean theatre


The Sydney Theatre Company Sport for

Jove hosted the competition at the Seymour

Centre, and St Paul’s was champion in the

group division.

St Paul’s principal Kevin Lewis said the

students were competing against strong

performances from other schools at a

regional carnival, and after winning that

stage, the college’s group performance was

chosen to represent the region at the state


“It was a fantastic opportunity for our

drama students to participate in such a

prestigious event so winning has been an

incredible acknowledgment for both the

students and to the college’s drama faculty,”

Mr Lewis said.

The four Year 10 students in the group

– Jessica Thomas, Calissa Percival, Jakob

Czippan-Sowter and Patrick Brennan – trav-

elled to Sydney to perform their scene from




Drama stu-

dents from

St Paul’s










and Patrick

Brennan in

the “fight


from Ro-

meo and


Romeo and Juliet.

Before their big night, the students were

fortunate to be a part of professional work-

shops that focused directly on their scene.

“We are incredibly proud of our group;

they stepped on stage against some very

polished and impressive schools,” Mr Lewis


The students were honoured on the stage

in front of an admiring audience.

The “fight scene” was a particular

highlight and so convincing that a seasoned

professional noted “I have performed in

Romeo and Juliet three times and watch

countless other performances of this play.

I know this scene, I know the outcome and

still I was shocked and emotionally moved

by the murder of Mercutio.”

“The students were excellent representa-

tives of the college and their physicality,

engagement in the roles and commitment to

the ensemble was exceptional,” Mr Lewis


“We know it was certainly an unforget-

table evening and experience for everyone

involved from St Paul’s.”